Her Story

I first had the idea for Soapply while I was working in East Africa and saw the reality of preventable child mortality and the global hand washing problem first-hand. I moved back to the US on a mission to sell the best soap money could buy to fund water, sanitation, and hygiene around the world to get soap in all the hands that need it and ultimately help save millions of lives. It was only after getting back to the US and learning about the lack of label requirements, transparency, and safety regulations around soap that Soapply’s mission expanded to look at the entire supply chain. Today, Soapply is crafted with individuals' health and our planet's health in mind. And my favorite part, our growing community choosing to make every wash count with us is already making a measurable difference around the world with a donation tied to every ounce of Soapply soap sold.

About the Brand

Soapply is more than soap. Simply put, Soapply is the best soap for you, your skin, and people around the world. Delivered directly to your door. Expertly crafted using food-grade organic oils, Soapply is a true soap that cleanses your skin without stripping it of its natural oils. It is bottled in recycled glass that is meant to be refilled and reused over and over (and over) again so you can help tackle the global plastic problem from next to your sink. And our favorite part, every 8 ounces of soap sold is tied to a $1 donation that funds water, sanitation, and hygiene initiatives around the world.