I spent most of my 20’s working in New York for fashion accessories and handbag brands. I was extremely aware of the fact that as a young woman, I could not afford the very accessories I spent my days creating, and the ones I could afford did not have nearly the level of craftsmanship or use the quality of materials I knew was possible. In the fashion industry, there is also a relentless push towards newness and the next big thing. I felt this “newness” was fleeting and designs were often pushed out the door before they had a chance to fully marinate. I came away from that experience craving something simpler but more complete, lasting, and personalized. That’s a big reason why I moved back to my hometown, Dallas, and started Leatherology with a focus on creating simple, everyday luxury. My fashion experience left me passionate about creating high-quality leather accessories that were accessibly priced, seasonless, and thoughtfully designed down to the last detail. If we’ve designed something well, we should be able to sell it for years, not seasons. Today, I’m incredibly proud not only to be creating great products, but also to be building a company full of fellow female entrepreneurs, mothers, and leaders
The Origin
Leatherology is a direct to consumer collection of beautifully designed, everyday leather essentials that are colorful, timeless and easy to personalize. We passionately believe great design and quality can be accessibly priced, and our team works hard to create beautiful products using the finest materials that can be personalized in thoughtful ways, such as with debossed, hand-painted, or quilted initials. We look at how modern men and women use their accessories on a daily basis to inform our design process and keep silhouettes fresh. Our accessories are made for real life and meant to be functional, lasting and personal. You won't typically see our logo on the front of our products as our goal is for the product to become a personal expression of who you are. Our custom personalization process allows us to create something one of a kind that you can wear for years. Leatherology has been featured in Vogue, Forbes, Fast Company, InStyle, Business Insider, D Magazine, and more.