Meet the women

Lorna Murray


Lorna Murray was born from decades of knowledge, expertise and experience in traditional textile techniques and traditions and contemporary art practice.

Global foraging fires her imagination and compels her vibrant creative practice. Lorna’s passion for colour, texture, pattern, adornment, cloth embellishment, art and craft is part of her lineage.

It’s not simply history and tradition that grabs Lorna’s imagination. Street cultures all over the globe seduce Lorna’s finely honed bowerbird instinct for beauty. Simply being open to happenstance anywhere she goes nourishes her global consciousness and inspires her art and design practice.  

The Origin

Lorna Murray is a Sydney-based fashion designer, textile artist and university lecturer, with an extensive career spanning more than twenty years. She has established herself as a leading textile artist and designer, presenting textile artworks globally in solo and group exhibitions and has undertaken several residencies and curatorial roles. She has developed a successful career as a visual arts teacher and as a university lecturer in art, fashion and textiles.

Lorna is constantly fueling her love of textiles, design and community artistry, whether in the South Pacific Islands learning traditional weaving techniques, in Northern Australia learning from Aboriginal elders the art of dyeing natural fibres and creating dilly bags, in Malta making lace or in India studying embroidery, block- printing, miniature painting, floristry and paper-cutting.